Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Got to Stop Playing in the Sandbox

I woke up Monday morning with my knee hurting, I didn't think much of it and went to work. I complained about it all day to my co workers and we googled knee injuries trying to figure out what I had, the consensus was gout.

I had a doctors appointment set for Tuesday for a completely seperate reason so I thought I would ask him about my knee as well. When I lifted my jeans up, his eyes lit up like something serious was going on . He took a look at it, ripped some skin off my knee cap and took a blood swab. At this point walking was difficult and he gave me the blood swab and asked me to walk it to the lab. Is this Ikea? Do I have to do the work myself. The doctor drew a circle on my leg and said if the infection passes this line then you have to call 911 and get an antibiotic IV drip. I wrote "Good Knee" on my other knee in case of amputation, your are not supposed to write "Not this Knee" because sometimes the NOT maybe covered up by your pants or gown.

It turns out I have a skin infection, called cellulitis. If I didn't see the doctor when I did things could of gotten a lot worse. I would of had to spend a long time in the hospital or the infection could of gone life threatening. I know if I didn't have a doctors appointment when I did I would not have showed up to the doctors for weeks.

Update: November 27, 2007 -walking is still difficult and last night I woke up numerous times screaming in pain.

Update: November 29, 2007 -
Nothing has passed the line however my knee is now the size of my head. With this new site, I decided to take a cab to the emergency hospital. In the cab ride, the buldge on my knee exploded and all this puss soaked my leg and ruined my jeans.

I waited in emergency for about 3 hours, and then got to see a doctor. The doctor called my General Practitioner and they talked and eventually got the lab results from my GP. Apparently, it is not cellulitis, its Staph, so now I am on some new meds. Things are looking good now, and this will be how I end this children's story.

The middle finger goes out to all these super bugs.