Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kucha- I have to admit, I had no idea what this was. My friend called me to check it out with her and I was really glad that I did.

Pecha Kucha - is a speaker event being held around the world by different organizing parties. It is basically a speaker session where the speakers are confined to a 20 X 20 format. 20 slides with each slide being on 20 seconds long. This allows the presentation never to get boring and force the speaker to be dynamic. They have to keep up with the slides or fill in time when they don't have enough to say about the slides. In Vancouver, there were speakers from Vancouver is Awesome, my friend Chris Allen, the owner of Hunt and Gather, and many more. It was a very good sitting and was very inspirational. I will be at the next one.